
Monday, March 8, 2021

From the General Coordinator of the Swiss Chinese Law Review Journal

I was not going to include the nascent Swiss Chinese Law Review in this blog because its spam and website suggest that it is aimed at practicing lawyers (as in the email's promise that "[y]our contribution will act as a business card"). Yet, the emails also speak of "academic submissions" and "great minds"; they invite "legal scholars from around the world to join"; the journal has instituted "peer review"; and the website calls it a "journal for legal academics." So finally, the spam from 张天泽 (Zhang Tianze) of the Swiss Chinese Law Association, with its frivolous claims of confidentiality and privilege, has spurred me action.

Mr. Zhang calls himself "a general coordinator of the Swiss Chinese Law Review Journal" -- among many other things. As a young Chinese lawyer, Mr. Zhang burst onto the scene with a couple of registered associations formed in Geneva. In 2018, he devised the "ILTIA International Law and Technology Interoperability Association," which is quite a mouthful. His profile there ( reads as follows::

Tianze Zhang is the founder as well as the current president of ILTIA. He envisages the legal world would change more in the next 20 years than it has in the past two centuries while the institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution. He started to promote standardization of legal service since two years ago, when he started to work as a Chinese lawyer.
He founded ILTIA and dedicates to promote it as the most influencial non-profit organization on law and technology in the world. To achieve this, he focuses on the inclusive community building and development of core business. The members of the association share the passion and vision of impact of legal technology to tomorrow’s legal world, and they come from a variety of background [sic]. He promotes collaboration with law firms on improving their global innovation.
He works as a consultant at United Nations Office of Geneva. He is a Chinese lawyer in practise, with experience in the Land Dispute, International Dispute Resolution, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Private International Law and cyber security law. He received two bachelor degrees in the field of law and economics in China, a master in Law from University College London, an (equivalent) master degree in International Relations from Europe(Part-time). He was selected as a participant of the 70th Session of the International Law Seminar from over 305 applicants as well as one of 20 candidates for the annual International Summer School on regulation of local public services over from 800 applicants by Turin School of Local Regulations. He is also the founder of, an independent research project to promote the understanding between China and World.

All the ILTIA webpages have a DONATE button that leads to "donator details." For an individual membership fee of 80 Euros (reduced from 120), you can have such benefits as "Priority to be selected to join our conferences collaborated with partner institutions" and "Possible to apply for the email address," not to mention "Publish your articles on our website, and be included to our newsletter to our more than 30,000 global audiences." January 28, 2020, marked the first "Publication of International Journal of Law and Technology" as "the monthly journal of the leading review of the update of the global development of the law and technology." We can rest assured that this was "a great day of ILTIA as well as the development of the law and technology."

The Swiss Chinese Law Association (UID CHE-329.323.885) was registered at the end of April, 2019. "Currently, the people holding decision-making roles are Tianze Zhang (President), Devin Gautier ép. (Member and Secretary), and Yue Huang (Member and Cashier)." ( Ms. Huang "currently works with IATA as a manager of aviation environment" (

The Flaky Academic Conferences blog displays some of the association's conference spam, although it may be a stretch to say that the meetings are being marketed as particularly academic as opposed to commercial and professional networking events.

The journal editors are "Jerry Guo (Chinese), Wei Jianan (Chinese) and David Dahlborn (English)." Not much information about them pops up in web searches. The About Us page of the journal identifies Wei Jianan as "LLM" and "an in-house legal counsel at Veolia." Mr. Guo is simply "LLM." Mr. Dahlborn is working toward his Ph.D. in history at Cambridge University.

  • From: Swiss Chinese Law Association []
    Sent: Mon, Mar 22 at 11:40 AM
    Subject: Join our great journey with Swiss Chinese Law Review Journal
    As the 3rd Issue of the Swiss Chinese Law Review Journal is going to publish, and we therefore hope our journal can substantially promote you and your law firm's global reach. I therefore attached our plan of sponsorship for your reference.
    We aspire to provide a readable, high-quality publication that can provide new perspectives and connections in line with our motto “critique for critical times”. The SCLR has received over 150 proposed articles from lawyers and academics in dozens of countries.
    Our peer-review systems draws on a pool of over 100 registered reviewers to control the standard of our publication. To aid our strategic direction and professional quality, we also draw on the expertise of our advisory board, composed of committed legal leaders. Not least we rely on a dedicated team of editors and translators endeavour to raise the standards of our publication and engagement in our community of contributors and readers for every new issue.
    Please don't hesitate to contact for your interests.
    I hope this email bring you the best luck of the week! [← If this is the best, I'm in trouble.]
    Thank you so much for you always be with us in this great journey of connection and collaboration.
    Tianze Zhang
    Coordinator of Swiss Chinese Law Review Journal

  • From: Tianze Zhang []
    Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2021, at 4:17 AM
    Subject: Re: Happy New Year David Kaye ! Call for Contributions for 3rd Issue of Swiss Chinese Law Review
    How are you? Will you contribute to the 3rd Volume of the Swiss Chinese Law Review Journal?
    I am writing to invite you to submit to the journal of the Swiss Chinese Law Review. I wish to bring good news for you- as the 3rd Issue, although we will focus on the issue of the Trade Secrets, we will also invite you to consider to submit the articles related to the China- EU Investment Deal from both positive and critical side. Meanwhile, the submission related to ADR such as arbitration, mediation and International negotiation are always welcome.
    More than that, I am also inviting you to consider joining as a columnist for the Journal. As a columnist, you will write an article for to bring “the critiques for the critical time” at least every two weeks, and you will bring an insight to the relevant fields of your practice to the Journal. If you are interested, please send your bio, your introduction, as well as your selected publication to the editor of SCLR Mr David Dahlborn at
    Our academic submissions system experienced a technical issue over the weekend. If you created an account and submitted an article on January 9 or 10, we would, therefore, like to ask you that you repeat this process to be certain that your contribution reaches our editors. We apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you. Please find the link to the submissions page here.
    We greatly look forward to receiving your contribution to the next issue. I would like to take the opportunity to remind you that your articles for this issue are being considered at no cost. [← And in the future?] Furthermore, please note that the deadline for contributions to the printed editions is 31 January and that we also consider articles for online publication on a rolling basis.
    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact David Dahlborn at
    Very best wishes,
    Tianze Zhang
    Swiss Chinese Law Association (SCLA)

  • From: SCLA []
    Sent: Tuesday, March 2, 2021, at 10:33 PM
    Subject: We are looking for your support David Kaye
    The third issue of the Swiss Chinese Law Review("Critiques for the critical time") will be published in March. For this issue, we have received eighty submissions from over thirty countries and regions. The theme of the forthcoming issue is trade secrets and intellectual property protection. There is no fee attached to any submissions, and, from this issue onwards, we have implemented a peer-review mechanism and established advisory committee, to ensure the high quality of the journal. The journal will be published bilingually in Chinese and English.
    We are now offering an unique opportunity for selected law firms and institutes [← So why write someone who is neither a law firm nor an institute?] to influence our audiences in China and around the world by placing a one-page advertisement in our journal and securing significant marketing space on its website.
    One of the greatest advantages that we can offer advertisers is to help you tailor the design of your advert to our audience. We will help you convey your voice and values to contribute to awareness of your firm around the world, most significantly in China. Hardcopies of our second issue were posted directly to over 140 Chinese law firms, as well as dozens of firms and academic institutions in Europe, ensuring that your brand will be square on the desk of influential lawyers and potential clients in China.
    Therefore, if you are interested in becoming a sponsor of the journal by placing a one-page advertisement, please contact the general coordinator and the creative director of the journal, Ms. Seungyeon Lee at by 10th March 2020.
    Tianze Zhang
    General Coordinator of the Swiss Chinese Law Review Journal
    SCLA Homepage | Swiss Chinese Law Review Journal | SCLA Future Cloud | SCLA Free Global Conference System | SCLA Academy
    If you don't wish to receive our any invitation, please click here.
    Swiss Chinese Law Association| Rue Rodolphe-Toepffer 8, 1206 Genève, Switzerland
    SCLA is not an association only for Swiss and Chinese Lawyers, we represent nearly 170 great legal minds from 14 countries and regions.
    Notice: The information contained in this message and any attachments hereto is confidential, may be privileged and is intended solely for the use of the addressee. Any unauthorised dissemination, distribution, copying or other use of this message or its attachments, or any part hereof or thereof, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to the message and please delete it from your computer.
    Happy new year, from the Swiss Chinese Law Association. I am so honoured to be with you at the beginning of 2021! I wish you and your family a great start!
    As a general coordinator of the Swiss Chinese Law Review Journal, I am pleased to announce the Call for contributions: Arbitration and Trade Secrets (Deadline 31 January). The third issue of the Swiss Chinese Law Review Journal will feature analysis of trade secrets. The theme for this issue will be trade secrets. (For the Reports of the Global Forum on Trade Secrets, which held on Nov 2020, you are invited to download here).
    What is Intellectual Property all about? What is a trade secret? On 2016 the US passed the “Defend Trade Secrets Act”. In 2018, China passed the Anti Unfair Competition Law, and the EU Commission promulgated the Directive on Trade Secrets. What have these new regulations meant? How are trade secrets changing global development?
    What do trade secrets mean for labour law? Which best practices should apply to trade secrets? For example, what are the repercussion of knowing of a trade secret? Could it limit employees’ ability to leave their company, or raise costs of non-disclosure agreements?
    Intellectual property, meanwhile, is not an end in itself, but a tool to achieve certain objectives in the interest of the society. How to balance the public interest in the trade secret protection? Do trade secrets and intellectual property facilitate or stifle innovation? Have you seen clients benefit or lose out from their implementation?
    Most importantly, what have trade secrets meant for your work? Have you worked on cases that have changed the field, or indicated how the market has changed? How has your experience influenced the way you consider these questions?
    The Swiss Chinese Law Review Journal's motto and vision is to provide “critique for critical times”. We want contributors to provoke and widen the minds of our readers. Most importantly, we connect lawyers across international and cultural borders. Your contribution will act as a business card to our world-wide community of European and Chinese lawyers. We invite lawyers and legal scholars from around the world to join our growing network.
    We are welcoming contributions for featured articles of analysis, up to 4,000 words in length, or opinion columns of up to 1,000 words, addressing the questions above or related topics. We strongly encourage articles based on your personal experience of real cases and practical or theoretical dilemmas you have encountered in your professional work.
    We welcome your contributions, analyses of legal cases, best practice advice or personal experience on how to approach arbitration and trade secrets; from Brexit to Belt and Road, AI to IP, or Bitcoin-mining to windfarms.
    Please note that all contributions must be original pieces of work. If your draft has been published elsewhere, includes text that is copied without attributions or been only superficially altered, or is a re-worded version of a briefing document, it will be detected and your work will not be considered.
    We also invite you to join the Journal as a peer-reviewer. Please register an account HERE with indicating your interests.
    For any questions, email our English-Language Co-Editor David Dahlborn at .
    Tianze Zhang
    Tianze Zhang张天泽 | Committee Member
    Swiss Chinese Law Association| Rue Rodolphe-Toepffer 8, 1206 Genève, Switzerland
    Notice: The information contained in this message and any attachments hereto is confidential, may be privileged and is intended solely for the use of the addressee. Any unauthorised dissemination, distribution, copying or other use of this message or its attachments, or any part hereof or thereof, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to the message and please delete it from your computer.If you don't wish to receive our invitation, please click here.

  • From: Swiss Chinese Law Association []
    Sent: Thu, May 27, 2021, at 3:50 AM
    Join us tomorrow David Kaye!
    How are you David Kaye?
    Can I invite you to the first SCLR CHALLENGE, to be held on 13:00-15:00 CEST Time on 28th MAY 2021 (FRIDAY)?All you need to do is using one hour to think about a topic to present in 3 miniutes and to discuss in the next 7 minutes.
    The idea of the SCLR Challenge is to present and discuss the most challenging issues in the Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR) field. Invite you to give a 3 minutes presentation, and follow up a 7 minutes discussion by peer experts.
    Register here: (free of charge)
    The aim of this challenge will be to exchange the newest and most brilliant plan for ADR in the SCLA community , meanwhile to develop it into an article for the Swiss Chinese Law Review Journal. The best entities will be also featured in the upcoming issue of the journal and great articles will star in a special seminar open session for journal readers and contributors.
    Register here:
    Really looking forward to meeting you soon!
    We are grateful to our partners: Ruggle Partner, Kubas Kos Galkowski and Chigbu Co.
    If you don't wish to receive our any future invitation, please click here.
    ------------------------------------------------------------ | SCLA | Swiss Chinese Law Review Journal: ( to make submission) SCLA Future Cloud: | SCLA Free Global Conference System:| SCLA Academy: Swiss Chinese Law Association| Rue Rodolphe-Toepffer 8, 1206 Genève, Switzerland
    SCLA is not an association only for Swiss and Chinese Lawyers, we represent nearly 170 great legal minds from 14 countries and regions.
    Notice: The information contained in this message and any attachments hereto is confidential, may be privileged and is intended solely for the use of the addressee. Any unauthorised dissemination, distribution, copying or other use of this message or its attachments, or any part hereof or thereof, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately by replying to the message and please delete it from your computer.

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